The board of directors of the Company, at its meeting held here today, took on record the standalone financial results for the quarter ended on June 30’2011. Earnings per share registered 8.52% growth reach Rs 11.08 from Rs 10.21. Commenting on the growth blue-print, Mr. Sandeep Kumar Reddy, Managing Director, Gayatri Projects Limited said “The Company is charting out an impressive growth story and our results manifest the same. With sound management and a dedicated team, focused efforts to improve the performance, we maintain a positive outlook for coming quarters.”
Gayatri Projects Limited (GPL), the Hyderabad-based leading Construction and Infrastructure Company, founded four decades ago, has been engaged in various states like Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Orissa. Among the projects are national and state highways, dams, reservoirs, ash ponds and major canal works. The company’s order book is around Rs. 8500 crore.
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