State Bank of India which uniquely identifies itself with the Common Man as well as the Corporates, has achieved yet another unique feature. SBI has completed 50 Lac Aadhaar enrollments in the country making it the largest Non Government Registrar in the country clearly leading the way amongst the group (the next best Non Government Registrar enrolment figures of 55,000). The fact that most of these enrollments have been done in the hitherto unbanked and rural areas makes it even more laudable.
SBI has used the Aadhaar enrollment program as a vehicle to reach out to the unbanked villages included in the Bank’s Financial Inclusion Plan (FIP). SBI’s vision of the end state of the Aadhaar enrollment drive is provision of ‘Adhaar’ – through the unique identity number, and ‘Swabhiman’ – through a bank account, to the common man.
SBI has covered over 1050 villages in 14 states within a period of 6 months. Going forward, the Bank plans to extend Aadhaar enrollment services in a phased manner to its staff and customers at non-FIP centers also, in coordination with UIDAI and the respective State Governments. Aadhaar enrollment for the SBI staff has commenced with the enrollment of the Chairman Shri. Pratip Chaudhuri and other senior executives at the bank’s Corporate Centre.
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